Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 7th September, 1916

Museum of the Order of St John

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Colonel Trimble reports on the number of convoys, with statistics of the number of both stretcher and walking cases noted. He then discusses the number of visits the hospital has received from individuals such as Lord and Lady Esher, General Chamoin and Madame Ernest Carnot as well as General Woodhouse and Colonel Carr, who came to discuss Captain McIlwaine’s research on the “Soldiers Heart”. There is also a mention of the whereabouts of a selection of hospital staff, not forgetting a record of a heated debate with the Motor Transport Department about the number of vehicle the hospital is allowed to retain. Overall it was concluded that the both the running of the Hospital and the visits have been highly successful to date, with guests praising the hospital and its smooth running.




My Lord,

I beg to submit a short report extending from Wednesday

August 30th to Tuesday September 6th, 1916.

The following convoys here been submitted into the

hospital:- On Thursday, the 31st ult., we received from No. 28

Ambulance Train 31 stretcher and 41 walking cases. On Tuesday,

the 5th, we had two convoys, one at 12.20 am. Consisting of 40

stretcher cases and 3 officers, also on stretchers; and at 6.45.p.m we

received 78 stretcher and 105 walking cases. The two

last- named convoys came down from the fighting that is going on

round Guillemont.   There were many serious cases amongst them,

and some which required early surgical attention.

The hospital had a visit from Lord and Lady Esher on

Wednesday, the 30th ult.     Lord Donoughmore brought them over

from Boulogne, and they had lunch at our Mess and afterwards saw

the hospital  .    I think I am right in expressing the opinion

that they were very interested in all they saw and quite appre-

ciated it.    In going away Lady Esher told me her visit gave

her very great pleasure.

On Saturday, September 2nd, General Chamoin and Madame

Ernest Carnot, with her daughter, called and expressed a desire

to see the hospital.     Madame Carnot is head of the French Red

Cross.    She was very interested with the working and arrangements

of the hospital, and as she spoke very good English it simplified

matters considerably in the explanation of details.     I think




they were all very much surprised and gratified with what they

Saw, and also with what I was enabled to tell them.

General Woodhouse and Colonel Carr came on the same day

as they wished to talk over the matter of Capt. MacIlwaine devoting

some of his time to the subject of “Soldiers Heart” as affecting

the solider on active service.    It was arranged that for the

present Capt. MacIlwaine is to see patients in the various

hospitals in this district and also any other cases sent to him

from the Details Camp.    Since then he has been devoting himself

to this work, and I think it is quite possible that owing to what

he is doing and advanced position in this line will be offered to

him.    This will not interfere with his hospital work, and I think

it will have the effect of settling him down with the hospital for

some time. He was getting restless, and I was afraid I should

lose him when his contract terminated in October. This would

have been a very serious blow to the Medical Division of the

Hospital, as he is undoubtedly a very brilliant man,

Lieut. Jackson, one of our Assistant Surgeons, returned

from leave on Sunday.    I allowed him to go as his wife is not in

good health.      Lieut. L.E. Hine, our Quartermaster, went on leave

on Saturday,  the 2nd,  for seven days.      The work of his department

is being well supervised by the Quartermaster Sergeant.    I have

also allowed Capt. Coplestone to go home for seven days on urgent

private affairs;      he left here on the 5th.    At the present time

there are three sisters and three V.A.D`S on leave.




The Motor Transport Department is tightening up the reins

with regard to the number of motor vehicles attached to each

voluntary unit.      I had a visit from the Transport Officer at

Boulogne, who came over to see me with regard to the touring car,

the Cadillac van, and the Ford box van.     He said sanction had been

given to us to keep the touring car and the Cadillac van, but the

number would have to be removed from the Ford van.  I expressed my

regret at this, and pointed out that the Ford van was exceptionally

useful in the Cadillac went out of order, and as we did our own

transport with regard to our washing between Etaples and Berok Plage,

it was necessary for me to have a car to fall back on. He then

Pointed out that I could make representations through the D.D.M.S.

to retain the Ford van and this I have done to-day, making my case

as strong as possible.

I do not think there is anything further of special

interest since I last had the honour of presenting you with my

report.      I am quite sure the hospital is carrying on its functions

in an efficient manner, and although I feel the responsibility of

commanding a unit of the description, I would like to bear tribute

to the fact that the assistance given me by the officers, including

Capt. Gordon, greatly assists me in this duty.      I am sure that

those in authority here are satisfied with all that is being done.

Yours etc.

(Signed) Charles J. Trimble

The Director of Ambulance.

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