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Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 11th October, 1916

Museum of the Order of St John

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In the report dated the 11th October 1916, a healthy number of promotions to staff have been made, according to Colonel Trimble, upgrading members to Honorary and Temporary Captains. A number of visits have also been made by established citizens such as Sir Courtauld Thomson C.B., concluding that the Hospital is “A very fine Institution well run”. This statement is supported by the statistics on the number of convoys and evacuation of patients, also found in this document.



Army Post Office, S.11.

British Expeditionary Force,



My Lord,

I have pleasure in sending you my weekly report

covering the dates from the 4th October to the 10th.

During the period named we have taken in the

following convoys-

          Stretcher. Walking.
Wednesday 4th No. 4. A.T 71 74
Sunday 8th 7. 35
Monday 9th 19. 58 58
Tuesday 10th 15 80


making a total admitted of 377.

As is usual the types of the cases were very

bad, many being in the worst condition. There were nine

fatal cases. It is interesting to note that we evacuated

328 out of the total of 377 admitted.

On the 4th inst. V.A.D. Nurses Drummond, and

Clegg left the Hospital on the completion of their contracts,

and on the same day Nurses Cary, Stanier and Todd went on


Sisters Miss M.J. Clark and Mrs. I. Higginson




arrived at the Hospital on the 6th inst. and were taken

on the strength from that date.

On Saturday the 7th Sisters Ely, Fox and Minikin

went on leave.

On Sunday the 8th.  Sister Robertson returned from

leave. At the present time, as I have told you in my letter

yesterday, five of our Sisters are put out of action by


The London Gazette of the 6th inst. contained the

promotion of Temporary and Honorary Lieut. Goyder to be

Temporary and Honorary Captain, and the Gazette of the 9th.

inst. notified the promotion of the following to be Temporary

And Honorary Captains while employed at the St. John Ambulance

Brigade Hospital:-  F. Hall to date from the 10th. June 1916.

A.D. Brunwin,   J. McCloy,   C.E. Butterworth,    J.S. Taylor,

  1. Beckett, and W.D. Coplestone to date from the 14th July.

I am glad these last named promotions have become

official as it has taken a good deal of time and trouble to

move the War Office to gazette them.

Lieut. A.T. Paterson has also been gazetted.

The additional accommodation for Captain MacIlwaine’s

Cardiograph to enable him to see his patients is now complete

and it appears to give the Officer concerned every satisfaction.




On the 4th inst. Sir Courtauld Thomson, C.B.

called here.  He appears to have seen a good deal of Hospitals

all over Europe and certainly has some intimate knowledge of

Hospital organisation.       He had a very close look round this

institution, and just before he left he took occasion to express

his satisfaction concerning all he saw.     He used the expression

that it is “A very fine Institution well run”.

Sir Charles Wyndham Murray and Lt- Colonel Forrest

of the D.D.M.S. staff Boulogne paid us a visit on the 5th

inst.          Sir Charles Wyndham, Murray was anxious to show Colonel

Forrest the Hospital.

So far as I can see the Hospital is working perfectly

Smoothly and I have nothing further to report.

I have to honour to be,

Your Lordships,

Obedient servant,

(Sgt) Charles J. Trimble.

The Director of Ambulance,

St John`s Gate,


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