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Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 18th November, 1915

Museum of the Order of St John

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Referring back to his previous weekly report regarding the appointment of a new Hospital Chaplain, Chief Commissioner Clark writes that the Military Authorities have so far waived their decision as to Mr. Gower’s coming out to Étaples. He then moves on to discuss the renewal of the Officer’s six monthly contracts, as well as the state of the Hospital’s finances which, he writes are in a satisfactory state, but should perhaps be increased in the event that they are asked to extend their accommodation as, an extension using tents rather than huts, would in the current weather be incredibly difficult to manage. Finally, Chief Commissioner Clark makes several requests for the use of Order motor vehicles noting that control of their usage has recently been taken over by the Joint Committee.

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St. John Ambulance Brigade Hospital,

Army Post Office S. 11,

British Expeditionary Force,




The Director,

The Ambulance Department,

The Order of St. John of Jerusalem

In England.


My Lord,

I have the honour to inform you that the hospital is

going on satisfactorily.

Referring to the Chaplain. The Military Authorities have

so far waived their decision as to his coming out here as to permit

him to do so under certain conditions. Sir Dyce Duckworth will

probably notify the Committee on the matter as I wrote him a full

account enclosing a copy of the Adjutant General’s letter on the


Mr. Gower’s position will, if he comes out, be rather

anomalous as having no position or standing amongst his colleagues

out here, but I have expressed my view of the matter in my letter

to Sir Dyce Duckworth.

A question as to the terms on which Officers will be

asked to renew their engagement at the end of the six months they

contracted to serve which will expire on January 13th has arisen.

I have submitted the points for consideration and my suggestions

to the Commissioner of the Brigade, Colonel Tyrrell, and requested

him to lay the matter before the Finance & General Purposes


The Finances of the hospital are in a satisfactory state

and will enable the work of the hospital to be continued for some

time after the expiration of the six months from its first opening

September 6th if required. Still I think it desirable that every


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effort should be made to increase the fund as it is possible we

may be asked to extend our accommodation as tents, of which nearly

all other hospitals are composed, are almost impossible in the

inclement weather that has set in and is likely to be worse, also

we cannot say for how long the services of the hospital may be


I am informed that the control of the Motor Cars

acquired by the Order has passed from the hands of the Order to

the control of the Joint Committee. I made application to Mr.

Phillips for a motor lory to carry not less than a ton or more

than a ton and a quarter for the use of the hospital, as the Ford

Van which is excellent for marketing and light jobs is not heavy or

large enough to carry the hospital washing at one journey to the

laundry which is some nine miles off.

I also asked that if such a thing were available a

small covered motor car such a Ford Landaulet might be supplied,

not for the use of the hospital but for the use of the district

under the senior Medical Officer here. He has much work to do at

night and a covered motor is required badly for the conveyance of

the friends of patients who are seriously ill to convey them to and

from their hotel. Such a Motor as above described would answer

both purposes. Now however that the Order has ceased to control

its own cars it may be difficult owing to the greater demands of

the Joint Committee to obtain what is required. I hope however

it may be possible.


I have the honour to be,

Your Lordships

Obedient Servant,

James Clark.

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