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Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 23rd May, 1916

Museum of the Order of St John

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In this report, the Director details the effective running of the Hospital, its full use by the Military Authorities and the good health of the personnel. Her Highness The Princess Victoria of Schleswig Holstein visited the Hospital on the 17th and was impressed by what she saw. The Commander-in-Chief Sir Douglas Haig also visited the Hospital on the 18th and expressed similar opinions of satisfaction. On the 14th July the hospital will have been operating for a full year, when staff contracts will run out. The Director expects staff who wish to renew their contract to continue with the same terms, which for Assistant Surgeons and Physicians is 25/- a day with £30 bonus after six months work; Surgeons and Physicians receive £600 a year; Surgeons and Physicians in Chief receive £800 a year; and the Quartermaster currently receives 9/- a day and free messing. The Director recommended the Quartermaster’s pay be raised to 15/- a day if he stayed on after 14th July, but he would pay for his own messing. The Director wished to be relieved from his position once his year of service elapsed on 14th July, and had recommended Colonel Tyrrell, current St John Ambulance Brigade Commissioner, to replace him. The Hospital remained within budget, the largest monthly expenditure over the last seven months being £525.


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Army Post Office. S. 11,

British Expeditionary Force,




My Lord,

I have little to report concerning the Hospital

which is quietly and steadily performing the duties for

which it was erected. It is generally kept full by the

Military Authorities, a fairly good sign that its work is

satisfactory when there are plenty of vacant beds else-


The health of the personnel is good.

H.H. The Princess Victoria of Schleswig Holstein

visited the Hospital on the 17th. inst. and expressed her

approval of all she saw.

The Commander-in-Chief Sir Douglas Haig visited

the Hospital on the 18th. inst. and complimented us on its

completeness and efficiency.

The Hospital will have been mobilized one year on

the 14th. July next, some six weeks hence, when the Contracts

of service as between the Medical & Surgical staff and the


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Hospital will again cease. I am asking those members

who propose to re-engage to notify me as soon as possible.

I shall be glad to know on what terms they will be expect-

ed to serve. I would suggest on the same terms as they are

at present serving under as they all seemed satisfied with

them, namely :-

Assistant Surgeons & Physicians.

25/- a day pay and bonus of £30 on the com-

pletion of each six months further service with the


Surgeons & Physicians.

at the rate of £600. each per annum.

The Surgeons & Physicians in Chief,

at the rate of £800. each per annum.

The Quatermaster, Lieut. Hine, has up to the

present received 9/- a day and free messing. To bring him

on all fours with other Quartermasters of his rank I would

suggest that from the 14th. July next his pay be increased

to 15/- a day and that he pays for his own messing, should

he decide to re-engage.

As on the 14th. July I shall have completed a

years service with the Hospital out here, and as it is now


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in a position to carry on its work effectively without

difficulty, I propose to ask the Military Authorities to

relieve me of my appointment on or about that date.

I have suggested to Colonel Tyrrell, the Commiss-

ioner of the Brigade, that he should succeed me here and

am waiting his reply. His appointment would of course

depend on the Military Medical Authorities, but I have no

doubt if Colonel Tyrrell was willing to take to the appoint-

ment the Director General A.M.S. if properly approached

would not put any difficulties in the way. A letter from

Your Lordship asking Colonel Tyrrell if he is willing to

take up the appointment might induce him to consider it fav-

ourably, in which case an appeal from the Order that the

Director General A.M.S. might see his way to sanction the

appointment would probably settle the matter.

The average weekly expenditure on the Hospital

under all heads for the past seven months, the most expen-

sive period of the year, amounts to £525.

I have the honour to be,

Your Lordships

Obedient Servant,

James Andrew Clark



The Director,

The Ambulance Dept.

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