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Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 3rd May, 1916

Museum of the Order of St John

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In this report, the Director has no problems to raise regarding the running of the Hospital. Two Sisters had left since his previous report, due to the end of contract and illness. Although the Sister who left due to illness was contracted until the 21st June, it was suggested that her wages up to that date be paid in advance to allow early departure. Staff Sergeant Curr was slowly recovering from Hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body) but did not yet have full use of his limbs. The Hospital accounts were to be passed on shortly, and the Hospital was operating within budget. A supply of medicine for the Hospital coming from the Base Depot had arrived.


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Army Post Office S. 11,

British Expeditionary Force,




My Lord,

I have nothing of importance that I can report.

The Hospital is progressing satisfactorily and is in full


Two Sisters – Miss Maughan and Miss Grant – have

left is since I last wrote; the former on termination of

her agreement, the later on account of ill health.

Sister Grant’s engagement with the Hospital does not ter-

minate until the 21st. June, and it is suggested that as

she has had to leave on account of ill health her salary,

or a portion of it, should be given to her until the ter-

mination of her contract. Sister Maughan’s contact ends

on the 10th. May and she was given leave in anticipation.

Staff Sergeant Curr who is suffering from an attack

of Hemiplegia is I am glad to say much improved though he

has not yet fully recovered the use of his limbs.


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The monthly Statement of Accounts will be for-

warded by the Secretary in due course by which it will be

seen that the weekly cost of maintenance is well within

the original estimated amount.

The supply of Drugs to the Hospital from the

Base Depot Stores on payment has been conceded.


I have the honour to be,

Your Lordships

Obedient Servant,

James Clark


The Director,

The Ambulance Department,

St. John’s Gate,


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