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Art for Wellbeing: Care and Repair in the Garden Copy

Museum of the Order of St John

Join Art Therapist Sarah Reid in our Cloister Garden to engage in art-making activities inspired by the historical surroundings. These sessions aim to develop personal insight, strengthen relationships, and be considerate in exploring difference, diversity and power dynamic.

Participants will explore and think about what breaks us and how we can be repaired. Working with plaster cast, participants will work in to create the cast of hands or faces and reflect on this.

The workshop will take place in our Cloister Garden, beside the Priory Church, on the north side of St John’s Square, London EC1V 4JJ. Doors open at 17:30 and the session will begin at 18:00. Tickets must be pre-booked.

Access information for the venue can be found here. If you have any queries please email

Please click here to book tickets via our Eventbrite page



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