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Digitising History and Recovering of the Cultural Heritage of the Order of St John of Jerusalem

Museum of the Order of St John

An online evening lecture in partnership with the St John Historical Society.

The Malta Study Center at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library in Collegeville, Minnesota, leads an international project to preserve and digitally reconstruct the widely dispersed archives of the Order of St John, much of which was scattered following Napoleon’s invasion of the island in 1798.

Dr Gullo will explore the significance of the Museum of the Order of St John’s Maltese material and its links to private and public collections around the globe. This lecture looks back on the first year of the partnership with the Museum to digitise manuscripts and rare printed books from the collection and make these more widely available to scholars and the public.

Click here to book for Digitising History and Recovering of the Cultural Heritage of the Order of St John of Jerusalem via Eventbrite or call us on 020 7324 4005. 

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