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Late at the Gate Ye Olde Tavern Quiz: Medieval Special

Museum of the Order of St John


Hail thee, hail thee, history enthusiasts, seekers of the Holy Grail and fans of a good pint of ale! 

Join us at the home of the Knights Hospitaller for a quiz to test your medieval knowledge. Enjoy a tankard of beer or a glass of fine wine from the Jerusalem Tavern as you puzzle over a game of thrones or some Latin scrawl.

Who will emerge as the most enlightened?

This medieval special celebrates the launch of our latest temporary exhibition ‘Holy City, Holy War: Devotion to the Sacred in Crusader Jerusalem’. Some rounds will be light-hearted, but all will test your medieval knowledge!

Team tickets are £30, maximum team size is 6 people. Click here to book your place.

Quiz will begin at 7pm although, arrive early for a pint and a head start!

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