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Melisende Queen of Jerusalem

Museum of the Order of St John

An online lecture in partnership with the St John Historical Society. 

When Baldwin II King of Jerusalem died on 22 August 1131, his eldest daughter Melisende became Jerusalem’s first regnant Queen and was crowned jointly with her husband Fulk and infant son Baldwin III. In this talk, Hayley Bassett, PhD student at Cardiff University, will examine the monarchical relationship between Melisende and her co-rulers; firstly with her father Baldwin II until his death in 1131, then with her husband Fulk until his death in 1143 and finally with her son Baldwin III until she stood aside in 1152. Co-rule was not a harmonious partnership and the kingdom was brought to civil war twice during Melisende’s reign as the men she ruled with sought to wield power alone.

This talk will take place over Zoom and live subtitles will be provided by Stagetext. Tickets are free and must be pre-booked via the Museum’s Eventbrite page. Donations welcome.  

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