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Ten-Minute Talk and Tea

Museum of the Order of St John

Discover more about the Order of St John, St John Ambulance and the history of Clerkenwell at our free Ten-Minute Talk and Tea events which take place on the second Thursday of every month. Tea and biscuits provided.

In 2023 the Museum of the Order of St John received an Archives Revealed grant to catalogue the founding records of St John Ambulance, 1870s-1939. Over the past year the project team has been working to sort, catalogue and repackage the collection which is now available to search online. Join our Archivist in this talk and tea as they explain the project and explore some of the early records of St John Ambulance.

This is a free event. Drop-ins are welcome, or you can pre-register through Eventbrite. The event will take place in the Museum Galleries which are on ground level with step-free access throughout.

Click here to book via Eventbrite or call us on 020 7324 4005. 

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