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The Great Siege of Malta: Then and Now

Museum of the Order of St John

An online evening lecture in partnership with the St John Historical Society.

The Great Siege in 1565 is probably the most famous moment in the history of the Order of St John, as well as of the Maltese islands. But how do those two things go together? What contribution did the Knights of St John make to the defence of Malta? What was their relationship to the Maltese people? Where do the events of 1565 fit within Malta’s sense of itself? This talk will explore these and other questions about the siege as an event and as a site of memory.

Marcus Bull is Andrew W Mellon Distinguished Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Although a medievalist by training, in recent years his interests have shifted to the sixteenth century: one result of this reorienation is a book on the Great Siege of Malta to be published by Penguin/Allen Lane in January 2025.

Click here to book for The Great Siege of Malta: Then and Now or call us on 020 7324 4005. 

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