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What to do in ‘the rare but possible contingency of a broken heart’?: Ambulance, Movement and Modernity in Urban Britain, c.1870-1920

Museum of the Order of St John

An online evening lecture in partnership with the St John Historical Society.

Drawing on The Museum of St John’s archives, we explore how the complex rollout of early ambulance – a set of skills; a body of trained responders; and emergency service vehicles – answered the needs of rapidly-expanding cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. We argue that new ways of moving were central to its success and urban modernity, yet also restricted the involvement of women.

Dr Rebecca Wynter is Researcher in Health Humanities at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and is currently working on a project about policing and first response.

Shane Ewen is Professor of Urban History at Leeds Beckett University. He is co-editor of the journal Urban History.

Click here to book for Ambulance, Movement and Modernity in Urban Britain, c.1870-1920 via Eventbrite or call us on 020 7324 4005. 

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