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Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 1st March, 1916

Museum of the Order of St John

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In this report, the Director of the St John Ambulance Hospital in Étaples reports that on his return from visiting Headquarters in England he found the hospital in fine condition and the visiting General Woodhouse had made a very positive report of his inspection. In his previous report, the Director had made enquiries as to the pay given to Nurses when on leave, which he had now forward to the Receiver General. He also reports that 41% of the Nurses working at the hospital were currently sick, mostly with influenza and septic (infected) fingers, but he expected many to make a recovery once the weather improved.


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Army Post Office. S. 11,

British Expeditionary Force,





My Lord,

On my return from England I found all well with the


During my absence General Woodhouse, A.M.S. has made

a thorough inspection of the Hospital and requested Major

Trimble, who was acting for me during my absence, to express

to me his great appreciation with all he has seen. I met him

at dinner on Sunday and he then expressed to me his entire

satisfaction with the hospital and the way it was conducted.

In accordance with the ruling I obtained at the last

meeting of the late Finance & General Purposes Committee, I

have submitted certain question of expenditure connected with

the Nurses for the consideration of the Receiver General.

I am sorry to say the sickness amongst our Nurses has

been somewhat high. the per centage being 41% of our strength

since we came out. The ailments are not serious, chiefly


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Influenza and Septic fingers, and as the weather improves

will probably drop considerably.


I have the honour to be,

Your Lordships

Obedient Servant

James Clark


The Director,

The Ambulance Department,

St. John’s Gate,

London. E.C.

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