Étaples Weekly Reports

Étaples Weekly Reports – 8th November, 1916

Museum of the Order of St John

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In this report, Sergeant Trimble discusses the work of the Hospital, as well as the holidays and illnesses among the staff. He discloses the number of cases admitted to the Hospital over a period of time, and the operating costs incurred during his tenure. He hopes to be able to utilize his connections with his home Division of St John Ambulance to help supplement the running costs, if he is given permission to do so.


Army Post Office, S. 11,

British Expeditionary Force,



My Lord,


The following statement covers the period Nov.

1st. to Nov. 7th.  The work of the Hospital has been

rather quiet.


Convoys have been received as under :-

Stretchers.        Walkers.

Wednesday      1st.       22. A.T.                       40.       —

Thursday.        2nd.       16.  “                           36.       —

Monday           6th.       28.  “                           44.       —

Tuesday           7th.       12.  “                           40.       43.

160      43

Making a total admitted during the week of 203. There

were discharged during the same period 221 and 8 deaths.


There have been no visitors of importance to the

Hospital during the week.


Captain Taylor went on leave to England from the

3rd. to the 17th. inst. For two or three weeks previous he

had not been very well and I hope his leave will restore






Sister Gervine returned from the Sick Sisters Hos-

pital on the 5th. inst. and on the same day V.A.D. Nurses

Trimble and Collett left the Hospital for Boulogne to

proceed to England on leave on Monday the 6th. Owing to

the rough weather which prevailed no boat left on Monday

for England and when they got across I do not quite know.

V.A.D. Nurses Tate and Walton returned from leave on this

same date as did also Sister Bemrose.


On the 7th. inst. Sisters Bedford, Smith and Emsley

went on leave to England.


I regret to have to report that I have Major Hope,

Lieut. Jackson and Lieut. Henry ill. They appear to have

contracted a rather severe form of Influenza that is pre-

vailing here at the present time. I admitted them into

the Officers Ward of this Hospital with the sanction of

the D.D.M.S.  Lieut. Jackson is now convalescent and

Major Hope is better but Mr. Henry I am sorry to say is

still rather ill.


On Saturday the 4th. I had a communication from the

D.D.M.S. office asking me to deal with the daily medical

sick from the No. 1. Training Camp. I at once agreed I would

detail an M.O. to lend this assistance. On the same date

I was asked by Major Tate, Senior Sanitary Officer to inst-





ruct Captain McCloy to take full charge of the Mortuary

during the illness of Captain Ridgway who has Military

Command there. This duty Captain McCloy readily under-

took.  I am always glad to oblige the D.D.M.S

in any way I can as he is always most courteous and good

when this Hospital wants his assistance.


I sent to the Chief Secretary of the St. John

Ambulance Association two days ago a copy of the research

Work done by Captain Crymble, Major Houston and Captain

McCloy and no doubt Major Prichard will have drawn your

attention to their work. It is exceedingly gratifying to

know that all this new ground in research has been opened

up while these Officers were serving in the St. John Amb.

Brigade Hospital.


I am enclosing you a statement of the Admissions

and Discharges since the Hospital opened, I think the fig-

ures are rather interesting. You will notice that in July,

August, September and October 5,202. cases were admitted,

whereas from the date of opening to June the 30th. 6,545

cases were dealt with. The contrast in the work done in

the four months and during the ten months is very marked.

In giving you these figures will you allow me to say that

they are for your private information. The Joint Committee





have asked me for a numerical statement which I have

always refused as I am not allowed to give any such infor-

mation for publication.


I am also sending you a memorandum

dealing with Finance. This statement goes to show what has been

done with the Extra Messing Allowance of 1/- per head per

day, and to put it roughly the conclusion to be arrived at

is that the Messing Allowance apportioned for the six months

which amounted to £6976. has met the requirements it was

given for and provided for the expenditure on the follow-

ing heads- Laundry, Repairs, Coal, Coke, Methy. Spirit,

Paraffin etc. for a period of fifteen months leaving a

surplus of £2594. which sum will provide for the expenditure

on the same lines for about 7 ½ months.


Some days ago I had a notice that in all

probability I would not be able to get X-Ray material at

the Base Depot if I delayed ordering, so I at once produced

practically four months supply. This will put up my monthly

expenditure about £100. But I believe it will save a good

deal of trouble in the future.


There is one point I would like to consult

you about and it is this – The contracts with our Medical

Officers will terminate in January. Shall I be in a position





to offer a six months contract to any and all M.O.’s who

desire such length of service. I ask this question having

regard to the funds at the disposal of the Hospital, person-

ally I have little doubt that there will be ample money to

carry on for much longer than six months after January, but

I have not heard as to the success in any effort that may

have been made in the direction of procuring funds for the

Hospital.  I feel confident that I personally could get

a considerable amount of money in my own Ambulance District

and I am only waiting to be told that I may organize an

effort in this direction.  I am sorry to introduce this

personal matter in an official report, will you pardon me.


I have every reason to believe that the

Hospital is working quite smoothly and efficiently owing to

the assistance I receive from those working with me.


I have the honour to be,

Your Lordships

Obedient Servant,

Charles J. Trimble


The Director,

St. John’s Gate,


P.S. I have to report that Lieut

Matthews has just arrived at

the Hospital as this goes to post.

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